3 Must-dos for Increased Workout Efficiency

Nobody gets into an In-Shape Gym with so-so results in mind – and if you do, then you should seriously rethink your goals! You should aim for 100% efficiency from every movement that you make and, in so doing, enjoy the best possible rewards from your hard work. Here are three must-dos that will contribute to your success in this regard.  

#1 Go on a Carbo-loading Mode

Carbohydrates are considered as a macronutrient because the body needs it in large quantities.  These are also the primary fuel for the body’s demands for high-intensity workouts so carbo-loading is strongly recommended.

Keep in mind that when your body has sufficient fuel for its activities, you will be able to finish your workout without feeling too tired afterwards. You can also put more effort and enjoy more value from your exercises, particularly in terms of muscle growth, caloric state, and recovery. You won’t be able to get these benefits if you were in a fasting state, carbs-wise.  

Oatmeal with fresh fruit toppings is a great way to start your day and morning workout. You can ask a nutritionist about other options, especially when you have highly specialized nutrition needs.  

#2 Go for Dynamic Warm-up Exercises

While typical stretching exercises have their place, these aren’t as effective and efficient in warming up muscles as dynamic stretching exercises.  In a study conducted by researchers from the Austin State University, people who performed light squats and leg extensions for warm-ups were able to lift nearly 9% more weight. These individuals also reported being greater stability in their lower bodies, which adds to safety and efficiency during workouts.   

Dynamic warm-up exercises mimic the movements that you will perform afterwards. The result: Your blood flow increases and your range of motion improves, all without compromising the elasticity of your muscles and tendons.

For example, if you’re getting on a treadmill, you may want to perform 5-10 minutes of knee raises, lunges, and leg swings beforehand.    

#3 Drink Plenty of Water

Fitness experts cannot overemphasize the importance of hydration during exercise. The average gym-goer loses between 6 and 10% of bodyweight in fluids during a workout. This is considerable since even a 2% loss of bodyweight in fluids has several adverse effects, from decreasing exercise performance efficiency to decreasing the body’s ability for proper recovery.

The recommended water intake is ½ to 1 ounce of water for every pound of bodyweight on a daily basis. You may also weigh yourself before and after your workout – if you lose more than 2% of your bodyweight, then you’re not drinking enough water.  

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