7 Best Exercises for Building Sexy Biceps

Aside from a manly face, the very first thing that a real woman sees in an attractive man is his biceps. Sleeve-busting biceps are something that you have to develop if you want to get the attention of the ladies.

A pair of bulky and rock-hard biceps is the symbol of a man’s strength. So, if you want to give your biceps a makeover, here are some of the best biceps exercises you must perform in Princeton Club or Workout Anytime gym.


HAMMER CURL-GymMembershipFeesThis is the classic-grip curl but twisted on its side. The difference in the way you hold the dumbbells will transfer more pressure from your biceps brachii to your brachialis. This is the muscle that makes your biceps look thicker.

Hold in each hand a dumbbell and just let them hang on your sides with your palms facing your thighs. Bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as near to your shoulders as possible.

Pause and then slowly lower the dumbbells back to their original position. Repeat several times but see to it that each time you lower them; your arms should be completely straight.


This exercise puts extra pressure on the long head of your biceps brachii since you are exercising it at a disadvantage. That means you are starting the exercise where you have a reduced leverage than usual.

Get a bench that is set at a 45°angle. Hold a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back. Allow your arms to drop down behind your body. Bend your elbows without allowing your upper arms to move, and curl the dumbbells as near to your shoulders as possible.

Pause and then, slowly lower the weights to their initial positions. See to it that your arms are completely straight at the end of every movement.


This is the classic dumbbell curl. But to make it more interesting, use a pair of weights that will give you more challenge.

Hold a pair of dumbbells and allow them to hang with your arms completely straight at your sides. Your palms should be facing forward. Bend your elbows without moving your upper arms, and bring the weights as near to your shoulders as possible.

Pause, and then slowly lower the weights to their original position. See to it that your arms are completely straight at the end of your movements.


This exercise is perfect for you if one of your arms is stronger than the other. It will help you concentrate on your weak arm. If you perform the movements while kneeling, it will reduce the chances of using body English just to get the dumbbell in the top position.

Get hold of a pair of dumbbells. Place the one on your left hand at your side with your palm facing forward. Hold the dumbbell on your right hand with your palm facing outward.

Bend your right elbow without moving your upper arm and get the dumbbell as near as possible to your right shoulder. Pause, and then lower the weight slowly to its initial position. See to it that your right arm is completely straight at the end of your movement. Repeat several times, and switch your movements to your left arm.


This exercise is almost the same as the classic biceps curl, with one exception: you hold the dumbbell in an offset manner. By holding the dumbbell closer to one head transfers the distribution of weight. You will give more pressure to your biceps brachii as you perform the movements.

Hold a pair of dumbbells and allow them to hang straight on your sides, with either your thumbs or your pinkies resting closer to one of the heads. Bend your elbows without moving your upper arms and bring the weights as near to your shoulders as possible.

Pause and then lower the weights slowly, seeing to it that your arms are completely straight at the end of your movements.


Perform this exercise while you are laying chest-down on a bench. This exercise focuses on your biceps because there is no tension in your core muscles and your legs.

Hold a pair of dumbbells and lie on a bench chest-down. The bench must be inclined at 45°. Bend your elbows without moving your upper arm and curl the weights as near to your shoulders as possible.

Pause, and then slowly lower the weights to their original position. Ensure that your arms are completely straight at the end of each movement.


This is an isometric training exercise which requires you to hold the weights in one position for a specific length of time.

Hold a pair of dumbbells at chest height and stand behind a bench inclined at 45°. Lower your right forearm until it is about halfway down, and hold it for about 20 seconds. Bring your right forearm back to its original position while lowering your left forearm at the same time, and holding it also for about 20 seconds. Repeat several times.

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