8 Fat-Melting Intervals to Jumpstart Your Workout Routine

Intervals are effective ways of burning fats, which is why personal trainers make sure that they are included in their clients’ workout programs. Intervals raise the difficulty of workout to incredible levels, making them a totally exciting physical challenge. What’s important is that you can rely on these intervals for significant changes in your physique.

Inclusion of intervals to your workout coupled with short bursts of recovery keep the intensity level high, while much-needed form is maintained. High intensity interval training (HIIT) can make your body burn fat long after you are done with your workout.

As you aren’t able to take in sufficient oxygen during hard workout, the required amount of oxygen is repaid after your routine, allowing you to return to normal. In other words, metabolism continues to work hours after you have left the gym. Such phenomena is known as excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). You can benefit from EPOC by incorporating short and intense exercise bouts in your workout program.

Intense circuits – hormone stimulators

Intense circuits – hormone stimulators - GymMembershipFeesIntense circuits work in stimulating IGF-1 and growth hormone, which are proven muscle-building hormones that help condition the body in the quest of building lean muscle mass. Apart from hormonal stimulation, interval training is a boon to the health of cardiovascular system. As it pushes the heart beat to a higher level, cardiovascular ability and strength increase. On the other hand, short rest intervals improves recovery capabilities, which means faster recovery in forthcoming workout sessions.

The following are a list of interval workouts formulated by the country’s premier trainers. Choose one that will jumpstart and best complement your routine. Because of the intensity of these workouts, one day of rest is a must.

WORKOUT 1 by Mike Duffy, owner/trainer, Mike Duffy’s

Round One:

  1. Burpees
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Jumping Jacks

Go for three circuits, doing 10 reps in the first round, 15 reps in the second, and 20 in the third round. Non-stop, do not take any rest.

  1. Jump rope for 3 minutes

Rest for 1 minute

Round Two:

  1. Walking Lunges with a Kettlebell exchange below leg
  2. Pushups
  3. Lunge Jumps
  4. Walk-outs (inchworms)

Perform three circuits, allowing 45 seconds for every exercise. With 15-second break interval between exercises and circuit.

  1. Jump rope 3 minutes

Rest for 1 minute

Round Three:

  1. Traveling Kettlebell Squats
  2. TRX Pullups
  3. Box Jumps
  4. TRX Jack Knives

Go for three circuits, allotting 45 seconds for every exercise. With 15-second break interval between exercises and circuit.

  1. Jump rope for 3 minutes

Rest for 1 minute

Round Four:

  1. Traveling Side Lunges
  2. Dips
  3. Speed Skaters (lateral jumps)
  4. Plank to Pushup

Three circuits, allotting 45 seconds for every exercise. With 15-second break interval between exercises and circuit.

WORKOUT 2 by Brian Jensen, CPT, Mike Duffy’s Personal Training Studio.

  1. Jump Rope
  2. Plyo Push-up
  3. Bodyweight Rows
  4. Medicine Ball Squat and Overhead Throw
  5. Burpee
  6. Medicine Ball Chest Passes
  7. Renegade Rows
  8. Jumping Lunges
  9. Planks
  10. Treadmill Incline Sprint

Do a cycle of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest (tabata protocol) when performing all exercises. Perform all exercises before going through the same circuit again. Take a two-minute rest before repeating. Try to finish three rounds of circuit.

WORKOUT 3 by JC Deen of JCDFitness.com


  1. 25 mark for rope movement, 30 Seconds

15 second rest

  1. Sledgehammer to tire, 30 seconds

60 second rest between supersets

Repeat supersets a maximum of three times. Consider them as post-workout for body strength conditioning

WORKOUT 4 by JC Deen of JCDFitness.com

  1. 30 Yard Loaded Sled Push
  2. 25 Kettlebell Swings
  3. 90 second rest between sets

Repeat exercises two to three times as post workout.


  1. 1 minute Sprint, 90 second Recovery
  2. 1 minute Sprint at 3% incline, 90 second Recovery
  3. 1 minute Sprint at 6% incline, 90 second Recovery
  4. 1 minute Sprint at 9% incline, 90 second Recovery
  5. 1 minute Sprint at 12% incline, 90 second Recovery

Repeat three to six times depending on level of conditioning. 


  1. Jogging warm-up, 5 minutes

Increase intensity until heart rate peaks to 85%.

Lower speed to brisk walking until heart rate lowers to 65%.

  1. Jogging cool-down, 5 minutes

Perform intervals for a maximum of six rounds.

WORKOUT 7 by Jeremey DuVall, CPT, JeremeyDuVall.com

  1. Tire Flips, 30 seconds
  2. Medicine Ball Slam, 30 seconds
  3. Battle Rope Slams, 30 seconds
  4. Loaded Sled Push, 100 yards
  5. Farmer’s Walk, 100 yards

Repeat for four rounds with a 2-minute rest between every round.

WORKOUT 8 by Jeremey DuVall, CPT, JeremeyDuVall.com

  1. Kettlebell Swings, 30 seconds
  2. Right Arm Kettlebell Snatch, 30 seconds
  3. Right Arm Kettlebell Push Press, 30 second
  4. Right Arm Overhead Walking Lunges with Kettlebell, 30 seconds
  5. Sprint, 30 seconds

Take 1 and ½ minute rest, and then repeat everything on left arm. Complete 3 circuits per arm.

Top gyms like Retro fitness help clients in their interval workout to ensure significant burning of fat and maximum physical gain. If you want to create interval workouts that you can incorporate in your program, focus on movements strenuous enough to challenge your body. Go for a minimum of two exercises, to be performed one after the other, before you give your body a short rest. Remember to breathe copiously between rounds. However, avoid full recovery until you attack the next set.

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